Safeguard Your Beloved Dog with These Top 10 Tips to Ensure Their Safety at the Beach

Now the warmer weather is upon us and the cost of living crisis continuing, more owners than ever will be having a staycation with their dogs this summer, resulting in thousands of dogs enjoying themselves at the beach. However, there are ‘hidden dangers’ to take into consideration.

Here are my TOP 10 TIPS:

1. Don’t let your dog swim in strong tides or rolling waves - invest in a life vest and a long line.

2. Don’t let your dog eat sand which can cause impaction if inadvertently ingested by digging or picking up sandy balls.

3. Don’t let your dog eat dead fish that have been washed up on the beach. These may contain potentially deadly toxins.

4. Don’t let your dog drink salt water. Seawater contains salt (sodium chloride) and excessive ingestion of salt can lead to a high sodium concentration in the blood. This can result in thirst, vomiting, diarrhoea and lethargy. In severe cases, there is a risk of convulsions and coma. Bacteria and parasites in the water can also make them sick. Carry fresh water to keep your dog hydrated.

5. Don’t let your dog stay in the sun for long as they can suffer from heatstroke too. Ensure your dog has plenty of water and shade at all times.

6. Don’t let your dog over-exercise as this can cause exhaustion. Bear in mind that running on sand takes a lot more effort than running on grass.

7. Don’t let your dog be exposed to high temperatures without sunscreen made specifically for dogs. Dogs suffer sunburn too. Breeds with short or white hair and pink ears and noses are more susceptible.

8. Don’t let your dog eat washed-up Palm oil which can sometimes be found on the shoreline. This can cause severe vomiting and diarrhoea when swallowed.

9. Don’t let your dog poop without clearing it up - be considerate to fellow beachgoers and the environment.

10. Don’t forget to rinse your dog thoroughly after the beach. Sand in between the pads can irritate and cause hot spots, and salt can damage your dog’s coat.

If your dog is showing signs of illness, contact your vet immediately. If you’re concerned your dog may have ingested something toxic you can also call Animal Poisonline on 01202 509000.

Safe and happy walking!

Yours warmly, Zita x

Zita Wells

Pet Patrol 365

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